Friday, August 04, 2006

- Pump your tires. They are usually underinflated. Environmental Protection Agency states that a 1% loss of fuel efficiency occurs for every 2 PSI of air under the maximum level.
- Check out Carnegie Mellon Students web site "Save Gas, Money and the Environment with Properly Inflated Tires"
- Avoid Idling - Shut the car off for more than 30 sec wait. Go inside and get a burger instead of idling online
- Combine your Errands
- Don't top your gas tank when filling your car. Gas is going slosh and seep out. Stop pumping at the first indication that your tank is full when the automatic nozzle clicks off.
- Buy gasoline during coolest time of day - early morning or late evening. During these times gasoline is densest. You are charged according to volume.