Tuesday, August 01, 2006
One of the easiest actions anyone can do to help the environment is to convert to Fluorescents. It saves money and helps the environment. I did.

  • Buy two packs of 60W and 100W CFLs - Costco, Walmart, HD, Lowes
  • Replace the regular light bulbs as they burn out
  1. They last 10X longer
  2. Save 70% on electricity
  3. Save on A/C since they are cooler
  4. 100W CFL is really 30W
  5. 60W CFL is really 15W

Quote from AJC "If every american home swapped just five incandescent bulbs for CFLs, it would keep 1 trillion pounds of greenhouse gases out of the air and save $6.5B in energy costs."

posted by Bert Tavani at 4:38 PM |