Wednesday, September 27, 2006
I have signed up for this class at Emory Academy for Retired Professionals.
The class examines the most serious environmental threat facing us - Global warming. It will explore specific personal changes that can be made as an early response to this issue.
The instructor is Woody Bartlett, a retired Presbytarian minister who has written a book "Living by Surprise : A Christian Response to the Ecological Crisis". Some years ago he spent a day at the San Diego Zoo that changed his life. He saw so many animals that were on the endangered species list and some only existed in zoos. He then became an expert on extinction which eventually lead him to Gobal Warming. From his comments, it is evident and satisfyng that the Christian Community is responding to this crisis. Some local churches are showing Al Gore's Film "An Inconvenient Truth".

Standby for further comments as the class progresses.
posted by Bert Tavani at 10:05 AM |